If you are an active blogger or participate in forums, you have most likely come across an article whose summary is something like this.
“NRIs in USA, UK and other countries should be kicked out because their nation is suffering a crisis just because we hold jobs in that country Manipur Nagaland and Kashmir should be liberated etc if the Telangana issue is to be justified.”
Now, think about what all the USA, UK and other countries have done to safeguard the interests of their people?
Hasn’t USA started scrutinizing the work visa stringently?
Hasn’t it hiked the H-1 visa fee?
Why is it that, the US is taking a rigid action on illegal immigrants now, when it was not bothered all these years?
All these are done to protect the safeguard their own people who are the American citizens. Similarly to safeguard the people of Telangana, Mulki rules were framed, but those were ruled void and null by the court.
Another thing is, the US is trying to prevent more people from coming to their country and is also keep on deporting illegal immigrants and issue less work permits. How is that relevant to the issue of Telangana? When Telangana state is achieved, people won’t be stopped or kicked out. They stay or move out according to their own choice.
Preference in USA is given to citizens over temporary immigrants. In Telangana, there won’t be any preferences but equal opportunity for us Telanganites, which is what we are craving for.
More importantly, the cold war is between Americans and other citizens. Over here, the known secret war is among Indians in India or rather Telanganites in Telangana who are not given any rights in their own mother land.
He also claims, Nagaland, Manipur and Kashmir should be liberated because the war has been going on for 50+ years. Is a state which is in the heart of India same as a state which shares borders with arch rivals, Pakistan, China and Myanmar? When they are liberated they become a gateway, easy to pass borders to illegal immigrants and terrorists by which it is India which will have a setback.
The issue of Telangana is never justified or is silly for people who have nor problem is getting education, 3 meals a day and a house. Its only the kith and kin of the people facing a problem who understand the real issue.
Jai Telangana.
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