After resignation of TRS mla's and a very foul and cunning play by speaker Kiran Kumar Reddy in accepting resignations of only TRS mla's and rejecting those of congress Mla's the future of TRS mla's hung in air as various expectations were made by both the pro and anti Telangana sentiment. Telangana Voter has proved that he is not a "Dummy" as the politicians are trying to portray him and is well aware of who is supporting Telanagna.
Telangana voter has proved that politicians cannot hold back the state demand but he holds the fate of Politicians . Politicians of different parties get a wake up call from the Telangana voter on the Counting day as they voted out of the way those who hindered seperate statehood demand. Some things very peculiar that happened in this electiion are that the voter has not only voted for a pro telangana party but also put letters in the Ballot boxes asking for telanganites not to die for statehood cause but fight for it. Some letters were addresed to Election commission, some referring various comments made by the PM, Chidambaram and other political leaders regarding Telangana. This victory is not only sweet but also shows the Deep rooted desire of Telangana people for a statehood and its development. Some of the Bigwigs like DS looses in Nizamabad, and Harish Rao winning with a record majority .Its High time that Politicians realise they cannot ignore the deep desire of Telangana people for too long. This touches our heart and we want to pay tribute to all those who died for Telangana and want to thank everyone who voted out the anti Telangana parties. Hope to See our dream come true sooon. Jai Telangana.
Let See who has said what after the Results :
Harish Rao:
My win is dedicated to Telangana amaraveerulu. The majority has made me feel more responsible and will work for Telangna till my last breath.
D. Srinivas:
People have voted for sentiment. Win or No win, I’m a Telangna vadi and will fight for Telangna.
We accept the defeat. We understand thta there is strong Telangna sentiment.
The results have dissapointed me. I never said that there is no sentiment. We can sit and discuss to decide if we need to have 2 or 3 states
Davender Goud:
We could not win seats because we concentrated more on the Bhabli issue.
This is a clear indication of Telangana sentiment. Parties should atleast now stop there two-tongue and two-eye theories.
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