Sarva Reddy,Mahaboob Nagar Dist |  | The eldest son of Mr.Pasham Vengal Reddy of cherlapally, Mahaboob Nagar District, died in the same incident, in whichMr.Prakash Kumar involved incident of Jamai Osmania Railway Station on 28th March, 1969 He completed his P U C in Gadwal,Mahboob Nagar District and he was the student of B.E 4th year. He was eloquent speaker and good sportsmen. He left behind three younger brothers, two sisters and aged parents, to be mean his death. He was burnt in Jamai Osamania Railway Station and died in Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad revealing the henious crimes of the police in his dying declaration. His last words were “Jai Telangana”. Mr.Sarva Reddy died but lives for ever, in the memory of the people of Telangana in general and his native village which was named after as” Sarva Reddy Nagar”. He was the spark for the revolution that engulfed in Gadwalarea |
Prakash Kumar, Khammam |  | The only son of a rich businessman Jai Kumar of Garla, Khammam district was burnt alive in the jamai Osmania Railway Station incident on 28th March 1969. He breathed last with the words “Jai Telangana”. Mr.Prakash Kumar was born in Garla, educated up to School final at the same place and P.U.C in Anwar-uloom College. He was the student of B.E 3rd year when he died with a handsome personality, he had much interest in music and dance and was also a student of Government College of music and dance. The incident as well as death of his unrevealed as the Government never accepted to conduct judicial enquiry about the incident. |
Prakash Rao, Secunderabad |  | Son of Mr.Ratnaiah of Kanchan Bazaar, Secunderabad died on 4th April, 1969, in the indiscriminate police firing near AnjaliTalkies, Rashtrapathi Road, and Secunderabad receiving three bullets barrels of brutal Madras Police. He was killed while he was returning from his friend’s house after his studies. This innocent victim was student of 11th class in Kalasiguda High School, Secunderabad. His death was the evidence of brutal murder of innocent people by the police to terrorize the people ofTelangana and to suppress the mounting agitation. |
Ramulu, Secunderabad |  | Son of Mr.Mallaiah of Pan Bazaar, Secunderabad died in the same police firing on 4th April, 1969, in which Mr.Prakash Rao died .It is most unfortunate that he was killed when he went to rescue the terror-stricken women due to indiscriminate police firing. He was shot when he was guiding them to the safe place. He was the most tragic death as he went to save others but fell victim to police firing, thus he could not save his own life. |
Umender, Secunderabad |  | Son of Mr. Krishna Rao of Zeera, Sec’bad, died in police firing at Raj Bhavan, Hyderabad on 1st May 1969, when TelanganaPraja Samithi has observed “Demands Day”. Mr. Umender was a student of B.A. Final Year was President of Sec’bad Evening College Student’s Union and very actively participated in the Telangana Agitation. Police never allowed people to gether to take out a procession and used lathis and tear gas shells freely but people were persist ant even after the police atropines . Police fired indiscriminately the facing students who were raising resting slogans of “Jai Telangana”. Sri Umender was one of the victims of the brutal police firing. He received bullets down uttered Jai Telangana breathed last. His memory will be ever fresh in the minds of students and people of Telangana especially those in Twin Cities. |
P.Venkateshwar, Mahaboob Nagar |  | Student of 8th class in Government High School, Kunta Road, Hyderabad was killed on 1st May 1969 at Raj Bhavan Hyderabad. When police opened fire on a huge mob who have gathered there to present a character of demands to the governor of A.P Mr. Venkateshwar was very active in the agitation for separate Telangana. He has participated in Relay Hunger Strike at his School, attended Telangana Conventions at Siddipet, Vikarabad and Nizambad. His last journey was from Charminar to Raj Bhavan in a mammoth procession. His life span was only sixteen years but he lived like a revolutionary. |
Prem Kishore, Abids |  | The tragic death of this young boy of 22 in due to stabbing by a Andhra hotel manager in the broad day light on the main through fare of Hyderabad-Abids. Mr.Prem Kishore approached the hotel owner of Durga villas with a request to close his establishment then the manager suddenly stabbed Prem Kishore in his abdomen and ran away. This has happened under the very ease of the armed constables and in broad day light very near to the police station. Roumers are to the effect thatBramananda Reddy himself behind this heinous crime as the culprit though was arrested under the public pressure was later released, on personal insistence of C.M. Mr.Prem Kishore studied in Marvadi Hindi Vidayalaya and Keshav memorial High School, Hyderabad. He was a motor cycle mechanic trainee |
Master Anand, Gowliguda |  | Son of late narayan Rao Gowliguda, Hyderabad was shot dead by police on 2nd June 1969 at 3.00 pm. While he was waiting at the bus stop for a local bus at Gowliguda. This young boy was the main supporter of the family consisting of his old mother, two younger brothers and a sister. His father expired one and half years back. So Anand had to support his family and was doing so by working in a private concern in the city. The old crippled mother has became destitute and wept piteously when our correspond approached her |
M.R. Krishna Reddy, Shamshabad |  | He was the son of Mamidi Ram Reddy of Shamshabad, Hyderabad, died in police firing at Gowliguda on 2nd June 1969. Krishna Reddy was working as an attender in Mud fort High School, Secunderabad and was the only earning member of his family. He passed matriculation from Shamash bad High School and was an active member of Local Praja Samithi. On the fateful day he was walking through Gowliguda area and a bullet hit him and pierced through the abdomen and he died in the Osmania Hospital on the same day. His ambitious and his parent’s aspirants were buried with him. He aspired to live but police made him to die. |
Oggu Ramulu, Jambagh |  | Son of Mr. Elliah of Jambagh, Hyderabad was died at Osman gunj while he was returning to his place of work after taking lunch, at 2.00 pm on June 1969 at Gowliguda. Late Ramulu was working in Messers jay Prakashram and Co., Osman gunj since one year. He was a native of Bommanpad,Mahaboob Nagar District and came to city to earn his livelihood.The bullet hit him in the abdomen and died in Osmania Hospital on the same day. He was a staunch supporter of separate Telangana |
Narayana, Ramkote |  | Driver in Deccan Ayurvedic Pharmacy, son of Mr. Malllaiah of Ramkote, Hyderabad, died on 3rd June 1969 in police firing when he was standing in the premises of his office as a simple on- looker.Police had a very clear target when their bullet not only killed Mr. Naryana but pierced through Mr. David, a 16 years old boy and hit an electric pole, could not kill it as the same was life less. The tragedy is narrated by his heart broken father, with full of tears in his eyes that police has not even given the dead body of his son. The police spaded away the dead body at the point of the gun and there the same in the police van and took away. Poor Mallaiah was not allowed even to perform the last rights of his son. |
|  | Teekaram son of Sri Bazram Singh of Doodh Bawli, Hyderabad was killed on 3rd June 1969 by police bullet while he was ironing the clothes, inside his shop. Teekaram was a washer man and on hearing the disturbances, though he had closed the shop, a bullet penetrates through the door and pierced into his chest. He died instantly. He left behind a wife, two sons and a daughter.This simple example is just enough to show that the police was shooting madly in whatever direction they could fire. In some places it is strange to be that even animals like dogs were that victims of police firings. |
Erramada Bandi Narsi Reddy |  | Son of Sri Ram Reddy was a cart driver, while returning to his house with fodder for his bullock carts on 4th June 1969, he became a victim to the bullets. After the death and events that followed, one is bound to believe that were not living in Democracy in Telangana, but in the reign of terror of Nazi Rule. . Mr.Narsi Reddy fell down as the bullet hit him. Seeing this, his wife ran to him and fell unconsciously on him but police has beaten her mercilessly for requesting them to hand over her husband’s body. Thus she even deprived of performing last rights of her husband. K. Venkateshwar Rao, B.A, LL.B, Bhongir |  | Son of Mr. Devi Rao, he was in lawyer practicing law in Bhongir, Nalgonda District.He came to Hyderabad to see his family residing in Aliabad on 4th June 1969 he stepped out of his house to call his children who were playing out side, unaware of the tense situation. Before he could able to reach the road, bullets hit him and fell down. He came to save his children but lost his life.His two sons aged 5 and 7 years and his young wife were sitting in their house when our reporter approached them and tears were rolling over her cheeks while narrating the tragic tale. Our reporter was moved when his youngest son asked about the where-about of his father.
Rapole Krishna, Gowlipura |  | Eldest son of Sri Rapole Chandraiah of Gowlipura, Hyd was shot on 4th June 1969 while he went to purchase cigarettes during his lunch interval at Kandhikalgate, Gowlipura.June 3rd, 4th and 5th were days of tragedy for Telangana in general and Twin Cities in particular when police opened fire many times, killing scores of people and most of them were innocent like Krishna.Krishna received bullet in his abdomen and was admitted into Osamania Hospital where he died on 11th June 1969.Being the only bread earner for his family consisting of his wife and a young son of two years, Krishna met an untimely death.
M.A. Rasheed, Chilkalguda |  | Son of Mr. M. A. Rasheed of Chilkalguda, Secunderabad, was killed on 4th June 1969 while he rushed into a by lane in panic near Monda Market, Secunderabad to save himself from the bullets of police. Even in that lane he was shot by the police at 10.30 am. He was admitted into the Hospital and died at 11.10 a.m. leaving behind five brothers and old parents.He studied up to 8th class and was working as a Mechanic in Sham’s Auto Works, Chilkalguda to support his big family. The family lost its bread winner and god only knows the fate of the family which is left support less. |
K. Pentaiah, Musheerabad |  | Son of Sri Laxmaiah, resident of Musheerabad, Hyderabad Late Pentaiah was working as carpenter in king’s wood, Mozamjahi Market. On 4th June while proceeding to attend a marriage party he became the victim to the police firing in nampally area. The bullet hit him on the for-head and his shoes were shattered into pieces and he died on the spot.He left behind his widow, two sons and three daughters to face the odds of this world, as he was the only bread earner for the whole family |
Nandagiri Bhushanam, Ghasmandi |  | Bhushanam son of Late Sri. N. Jangaiah, resident of Ghasmandi, Secunderabad was shot dead by the police on 4th June 1969 at Ghasmandi cross roads.Bhushanam was in search of a job. While returning home he met with a bullet which had already made an innocent boy its victim who died immediately. Mr. Bhushanam died later in the Hospital. His mother crippled down with grief at her son’s loss and became utterly helpless. He left behind a sister, a brother and his old mother. The boy who died with Bhushanam could not be identified, so the dead body was taken away by the police as destitute, even without notifying or publishing this tragic death. |
Smt.Savitri & Master Shiv Kumar, Market Street |  | Wife and son of Sri Shankraiah. Savitri and Shiv Kumar were hit by bullets on 4th June 1969 in front of their house (No: 6578, Market Street, Secunderabad). Later both of them died in Hospital. (Mother on 4th and Child on 5th).With this tragic incident, Mr. Shankaraiah, who was doubly deprived of his beloved wife and loving son, became mentally effected and could speak only few words before he started weeping, when our correspondent visited him. |
Akula Narender, Kavadiguda |
|  | Eldest son of Madhava Rao of Kavadiguda, Secunderabad, he was a student of XI class (H.S.C) in Adayya Memorial High School.On 4th June 1969, Narender was on the first floor of his house reading a book, but he could not finish it and his life was finished once for all, by a bullet fired by the police which pierced through his body.He was an active member of Local Praja Samithy and also participated in hunger strikes. Dharnas and Satyagrahas.His parents were so grief-stricken that who-ever approaching them for Narender, they weep piteously and narrating of the pathetic tale. |
Buddhulal, Monda Market |  | Son of Cousulal, resident of Monda Market, Secunderabad was shot dead on 27th June 1969 near Green Hotel, Ashok Nagar, Secunderabad by delirious police.Buddhulal was a fruit merchant and was the main earning member of his family consisting of four brothers, two sisters and his old parents. He was an active member of local Praja Samithi.On the fateful day, he was in procession which was taken out at the resignation of the Chief Minister.The day, on which his marriage ceremony was to be celebrated, his tenth day obituary ceremonv was performed. |
Suryapalli Narsing Rao, Puranapul |  | Son of Mr. Sattaiah of sattanna galli, Puranapul, Hyderabad, was shot at puranapul while ha come out in search of his mother, on 7th June 1969 at about 5.00 pm.Mr. Narsing Rao, student of 7th class in Co-Education school, Rahimpura, Hyderabad was a brilliant student of his class. This young boy sensed the tense situation in locality and went out to fetch his mother but died of police bullet on the way, which struct him on the forehead, breaking the skull.Poor Narsing Rao could no more to his mother. The residents elected a fitting memorial in the name of the Young Hero. |
K. David, Chappal Bazaar |  | Son of Mr. K.J. Reuben, resident of Chappal Bazaar, Hyderabad, and Late David was a student of Nrupatunga High School and was interested in music and actively participated in the Telangana Agitation.On 3rd June while he was waiting for his Sister and Aunt at Kachiguda road, Hyderabad .He became the victim to brut police firing .The bullet which hit him, had earlier killed Mr. Narayana before hitting him. Master David died in Osmania Hospital where his body was carried away by the police and was not returned to his parents for rightful religious obsequies. Before he could able to see his loving sister and benevolent aunt, police forced him to see the death. |
Mohammad Shafeeq Ahmed, chilkalguda |  | Son of Mr. M.A. Mannan of chilkalguda, Secunderabad was killed by the sub-inspector Kulvanth Singh on 5th June 1969, when the curfew was in force Mr.Shafeeq was a student of Eleventh class in Wesley Boys High School in Secunderabad. He represented our States as N.C.C. Cadet in Delhi Contingent on the Republic day parade this year, 1969. On 5th of June when his two nephews ignorantly left the house, Mr.Shafeeq Ahmed went out to bring them back and suddenly the Sub-inspector on duty shot him on the forehead with his receiver. When the parents noticing this, rushed towards the body, they were stopped at the point of the revolver. Mr. Shafeeq died on the same day in Gandhi Hospital.Two faithful dogs which were barking at the frenzy police were also shot dead in chilkalguda on the same day. Poor dumb animals! |
Master Moses, Gunfoundary |
|  | My son master Moses a third standard student of Saint Peter’s School, was shot by police on 3rd June 1969 at Gunfoundary, Hyderabad. The police who opened fire on innocent boys like my son who was eleven years old, did not even care to take the injured, they also tried to hush-up the case, as they did not even report the matter to the concerned authorities says his aggrieved father Mr. Lawrence Joseph, Gunfoundary, Hyderabad. He further appeals to “continue the struggle for statehood for Telangana, for which hundreds of souls, including my son have sacrified their lives”. |
Kumari D. Renuka, Chaderghat |  | Student of 6th class in Govt. High School, Chaderghat, Daughter of Sri D. Lingaiah of Osmanpura, Hyderabad , was killed with three bullets in a row in the police firing on 3rd June 1969, When the police opened fire more than a dozen times in Hyderabad to control the mob fury.The only daughter of parents, Kumari Renuka has actively participated in Telangana moment from the beginning by under taking hunger strike, going to jail twice and offering herself to the bullets of police.On the fateful day, Renuka was standing in front of her house and she was killed. Eleven years old poor renuka! What is the sin she has committed |
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